Bibliographic Supplement to LGPN II
The following is a bibliography of items cited in the Onomasticon which are additional to those listed at LGPN II pp. xiii-xix.
AIUK | Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections, 1- (Attic Inscriptions Online Papers, 2018- ) |
Art and Inscriptions | Z. Newby & R. Leader-Newby (eds.), Art and Inscriptions in the Ancient World (Cambridge, 2007) |
Bruneau, Recherches | P. Bruneau, Recherches sur les cultes de Délos a l'époque hellénistique et a l'époque impériale (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 217 [Paris, 1970]) |
CAT Suppl. | C. Clairmont, Classical Attic Tombstones Supplementary volume (Kilchberg, 1995) |
CAVI | H. R. Immerwahr, Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (PDF downloadable, 2009) |
City beneath the City | L. Parlama & N.C. Stampolides, Η πόλη κάτω από την πόλη·Ευρήματα από τις ανασκαφές του Μητροπολιτικού Σιδηροδρόμου των Αθηνών (Athens, 2000) |
Der Kerameikos | U. Knigge, Der Kerameikos von Athen: Führung durch Ausgrabungen und Geschichte (Athens, 1988) |
Eretria | Eretria. Fouilles et recherches, 1-7 (Berne, 1968-85), 8- (Lausanne, 1993- ) |
FRA | M. J. Osborne & S. G. Byrne, The Foreign Residents of Athens (Studia Hellenistica, 33 [Leuven, 1996]) |
Gephyra | Gephyra. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Antike auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Türkei, 1- (Istanbul, 2004-) |
Greek Pioneers | G. E. Malouchou, Athenian Epigraphy and Topography in 19th c. Athens. The Greek Pioneers (Athens 2024) |
Hildebrandt, Namenstelen | F. Hildebrandt, Die attischen Namenstelen (Berlin, 2006) |
Hommages Garlan | O. Masson, "Femmes donatrices à l'Asklepieion d'Athènes" in Esclavage, guerre, économie en Grèce ancienne : hommages à Yvon Garlan (edd. P. Brule and J. Oulhen) (Rennes, 1997) pp. 87-93 |
ICos | M. Segre, Iscrizioni di Cos (Rome, 1993) |
IEleusis | Eleusis. The Inscriptions on Stone, ed. K. Clinton (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 236 [Athens, 2005]) |
IOrop | Οἱ ἐπιγραφὲς τοῦ Ὠρώπου, ed. B. Ch. Petrakos (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 170 [Athens, 1997]) |
IRhamnous | Ὁ δῆμος τοῦ Ῥαμνοῦντος. II, ed. B. Ch. Petrakos (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 182 [Athens, 1999]); VI, ed. B. Ch. Petrakos (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 327 [Athens, 2020]) |
Iscr. Estremo Oriente Greco | Iscrizioni dello Estremo Oriente Greco, ed. F. Canali De Rossi (Inschriften Griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien, Band 65 [Bonn, 2004]) |
ISinope | The Inscriptions of Sinope, ed. D. H. French (IGSK 64 [Bonn, 2004]) |
IThesp | Les Inscriptions de Thespies, ed. P. Roesch (Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux [Lyon, 2007]) |
Kanellopoulos Museum | M. S. Brouskari, Τὸ Μουσεῖο Παύλου καὶ Ἀλεξάνδρας Κανελλοπούλου (Athens, 1994) |
Karivieri | A. Karivieri, The Athenian Lamp Industry in Late Antiquity (Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens Vol. 5 [Helsinki, 1996]) |
Lambert, Rationes | S. D. Lambert, Rationes Centesimarum: Sales of Public Land in Lykourgan Athens (Amsterdam, 1997) |
Lettered Attica | A Day of Attic Inscriptions, Actes du Symposium d'Athènes, Proceedings of the Athens Symposium, 8 mars / March 2000 (edd. D. Jordan and J. Traill) (Toronto, 2003) |
Law of Epikrates | The Athenian Law of Epikrates (354/3 B.C.). Four studies. (ed. A. P. Matthaiou) (Athens, 2024) |
Macedonians in Athens | The Macedonians in Athens 322-229 B.C. (edd. O. Palagia and S. V. Tracy) (Oxford, 2003) |
Masson, OGS | O. Masson, Onomastica Graeca Selecta, 3 vols. (Paris, 1990-) |
Mél. Knoepfler | N. Badoud (ed.), Philologos Dionysios: Mélanges offerts au Professeur Denis Knoepfler (Genève, 2011) |
Neue Inschriften von Olympia | Neue Inschriften von Olympia. Die von 1896 veröffentlichten Texte (edd. P. Siewert and H. Taeuber) (Tyche Sonderband 7, Vienna, 2013) |
Nulton, Apollo Hypoakraios | P. E. Nulton, The Sactuary of Apollo Hypoakraios and Imperial Athens (Archaeologia Transatlantica XXI [Providence, Rhode Island, 2003]) |
Oakley, Achilles Painter | J. H. Oakley, Achilles Painter (Mainz/Rhein, 1997) |
PAA | J. S. Traill, Persons of Ancient Athens, 1-20 (Toronto, 1994-2011) |
Sybel, Katalog | L. von Sybel, Katalog der Skulpturen zu Athen (Marburg, 1881) |
PAPhS | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1- (Philadelphia, 1838- ) |
Phoros | Phoros: Tribute to Benjamin Dean Meritt (ed. D. W. Bradeen) (Locust Valley, 1974) |
Prak. Wilhelm | Ἀττικαὶ Ἐπιγραφαί. Πρακτικὰ Συμποσίου εἰς μνήμην Adolf Wilhelm (ed. A. P. Matthaiou & G. E. Malouchou, Athens 2004) |
RCA | S. G. Byrne, Roman Citizens of Athens (Studia Hellenistica, 40 [Leuven, 2003]) |
Rhamnous 1 | B. Ch. Petrakos, Ὁ δῆμος τοῦ Ῥαμνοῦντος. Σύνοψη τῶν ἀνασκαφῶν καὶ τῶν ἐρευνῶν (1813-1998). I, Τοπογραφία (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 182 [Athens, 1999]) |
Robert, Noms indigènes | L. Robert, Noms indigènes dans l'Asie Mineure gréco-romaine, I (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique de l'Institut français d'archéologie d'Istanbul, 13 [Paris, 1963]) |
SEMA | Συμπλήρωμα τῶν ἐπιτυμβίων μνημείων τῆς Ἀττικῆς (edd. V. N. Bardane & G. K. Papadopoulos) (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 241 [Athens, 2006]) |
Studies Habicht | Ἀττικὰ Ἐπιγραφικά. Μελέτες πρὸς τιμὴν Christian Habicht (ed. A. A. Themos & N. Papazarkadas, Athens 2009) |
Studies Jameson | Μικρὸς Ἱερομνήμων. Μελέτες εἰς μνήμην Μichael H. Jameson (ed. A. P. Matthaiou & I. Polinskaya, Athens 2008) |
Studies Koumanoudes | Στεφάνωι Στέφανος. Μελέτες εἰς μνήμην Στεφάνου Ν. Κουμανούδη (1931–1987) (ed. A. P. Matthaiou & V. N. Bardane, Athens 2019) |
Studies Lewis | Γράμματα Ἀρχαία. Studies in memory of David M. Lewis (1928–1994) (ed. A. Makres & P. J. Rhodes, Athens 2024) |
Tracy, ADT | S. V. Tracy, Athenian Democracy in Transition: Attic Letter-cutters of 340 to 290 B.C. (Hellenistic Culture and Society, 20 (Berkeley, 1995) |
Tracy, Athens and Macedon | S. V. Tracy, Athens and Macedon. Attic Letter Cutters of 300 to 229 B.C. (Berkeley / Los Angeles, 2003) |
Traill, Demos and Trittys | J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys: Epigraphical and Topographical Studies in the Organization of Attica (Totonto, 1986) |
Wilson | P. R. Wilson, A Corpus of Ephebic Inscriptions from Roman Athens: 31 B.C. - 267 A.D. (Dissertation, Monash University) |