Bibliographic Supplement to LGPN II

The following is a bibliography of items cited in the Onomasticon which are additional to those listed at LGPN II pp. xiii-xix.

AIUK Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections, 1- (Attic Inscriptions Online Papers, 2018- )
Art and Inscriptions Z. Newby & R. Leader-Newby (eds.), Art and Inscriptions in the Ancient World (Cambridge, 2007)
Bruneau, Recherches P. Bruneau, Recherches sur les cultes de Délos a l'époque hellénistique et a l'époque impériale (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 217 [Paris, 1970])
CAT Suppl. C. Clairmont, Classical Attic Tombstones Supplementary volume (Kilchberg, 1995)
CAVI H. R. Immerwahr, Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (PDF downloadable, 2009)
City beneath the City L. Parlama & N.C. Stampolides, Η πόλη κάτω από την πόλη·Ευρήματα από τις ανασκαφές του Μητροπολιτικού Σιδηροδρόμου των Αθηνών (Athens, 2000)
Der Kerameikos U. Knigge, Der Kerameikos von Athen: Führung durch Ausgrabungen und Geschichte (Athens, 1988)
Eretria Eretria. Fouilles et recherches, 1-7 (Berne, 1968-85), 8- (Lausanne, 1993- )
FRA M. J. Osborne & S. G. Byrne, The Foreign Residents of Athens (Studia Hellenistica, 33 [Leuven, 1996])
Gephyra Gephyra. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Antike auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Türkei, 1- (Istanbul, 2004-)
Greek Pioneers G. E. Malouchou, Athenian Epigraphy and Topography in 19th c. Athens. The Greek Pioneers (Athens 2024)
Hildebrandt, Namenstelen F. Hildebrandt, Die attischen Namenstelen (Berlin, 2006)
Hommages Garlan O. Masson, "Femmes donatrices à l'Asklepieion d'Athènes" in Esclavage, guerre, économie en Grèce ancienne : hommages à Yvon Garlan (edd. P. Brule and J. Oulhen) (Rennes, 1997) pp. 87-93
ICos M. Segre, Iscrizioni di Cos (Rome, 1993)
IEleusis Eleusis. The Inscriptions on Stone, ed. K. Clinton (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 236 [Athens, 2005])
IOrop Οἱ ἐπιγραφὲς τοῦ Ὠρώπου, ed. B. Ch. Petrakos (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 170 [Athens, 1997])
IRhamnous Ὁ δῆμος τοῦ Ῥαμνοῦντος. II, ed. B. Ch. Petrakos (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 182 [Athens, 1999]); VI, ed. B. Ch. Petrakos (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 327 [Athens, 2020])
Iscr. Estremo Oriente Greco Iscrizioni dello Estremo Oriente Greco, ed. F. Canali De Rossi (Inschriften Griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien, Band 65 [Bonn, 2004])
ISinope The Inscriptions of Sinope, ed. D. H. French (IGSK 64 [Bonn, 2004])
IThesp Les Inscriptions de Thespies, ed. P. Roesch (Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux [Lyon, 2007])
Kanellopoulos Museum M. S. Brouskari, Τὸ Μουσεῖο Παύλου καὶ Ἀλεξάνδρας Κανελλοπούλου (Athens, 1994)
Karivieri A. Karivieri, The Athenian Lamp Industry in Late Antiquity (Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens Vol. 5 [Helsinki, 1996])
Lambert, Rationes S. D. Lambert, Rationes Centesimarum: Sales of Public Land in Lykourgan Athens (Amsterdam, 1997)
Lettered Attica A Day of Attic Inscriptions, Actes du Symposium d'Athènes, Proceedings of the Athens Symposium, 8 mars / March 2000 (edd. D. Jordan and J. Traill) (Toronto, 2003)
Law of Epikrates The Athenian Law of Epikrates (354/3 B.C.). Four studies. (ed. A. P. Matthaiou) (Athens, 2024)
Macedonians in Athens The Macedonians in Athens 322-229 B.C. (edd. O. Palagia and S. V. Tracy) (Oxford, 2003)
Masson, OGS O. Masson, Onomastica Graeca Selecta, 3 vols. (Paris, 1990-)
Mél. Knoepfler N. Badoud (ed.), Philologos Dionysios: Mélanges offerts au Professeur Denis Knoepfler (Genève, 2011)
Neue Inschriften von Olympia Neue Inschriften von Olympia. Die von 1896 veröffentlichten Texte (edd. P. Siewert and H. Taeuber) (Tyche Sonderband 7, Vienna, 2013)
Nulton, Apollo Hypoakraios P. E. Nulton, The Sactuary of Apollo Hypoakraios and Imperial Athens (Archaeologia Transatlantica XXI [Providence, Rhode Island, 2003])
Oakley, Achilles Painter J. H. Oakley, Achilles Painter (Mainz/Rhein, 1997)
PAA J. S. Traill, Persons of Ancient Athens, 1-20 (Toronto, 1994-2011)
Sybel, Katalog L. von Sybel, Katalog der Skulpturen zu Athen (Marburg, 1881)
PAPhS Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1- (Philadelphia, 1838- )
Phoros Phoros: Tribute to Benjamin Dean Meritt (ed. D. W. Bradeen) (Locust Valley, 1974)
Prak. Wilhelm Ἀττικαὶ Ἐπιγραφαί. Πρακτικὰ Συμποσίου εἰς μνήμην Adolf Wilhelm (ed. A. P. Matthaiou & G. E. Malouchou, Athens 2004)
RCA S. G. Byrne, Roman Citizens of Athens (Studia Hellenistica, 40 [Leuven, 2003])
Rhamnous 1 B. Ch. Petrakos, Ὁ δῆμος τοῦ Ῥαμνοῦντος. Σύνοψη τῶν ἀνασκαφῶν καὶ τῶν ἐρευνῶν (1813-1998). I, Τοπογραφία (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 182 [Athens, 1999])
Robert, Noms indigènes L. Robert, Noms indigènes dans l'Asie Mineure gréco-romaine, I (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique de l'Institut français d'archéologie d'Istanbul, 13 [Paris, 1963])
SEMA Συμπλήρωμα τῶν ἐπιτυμβίων μνημείων τῆς Ἀττικῆς (edd. V. N. Bardane & G. K. Papadopoulos) (Bibl. Ath. Arch. Het., 241 [Athens, 2006])
Studies Habicht Ἀττικὰ Ἐπιγραφικά. Μελέτες πρὸς τιμὴν Christian Habicht (ed. A. A. Themos & N. Papazarkadas, Athens 2009)
Studies Jameson Μικρὸς Ἱερομνήμων. Μελέτες εἰς μνήμην Μichael H. Jameson (ed. A. P. Matthaiou & I. Polinskaya, Athens 2008)
Studies Koumanoudes Στεφάνωι Στέφανος. Μελέτες εἰς μνήμην Στεφάνου Ν. Κουμανούδη (1931–1987) (ed. A. P. Matthaiou & V. N. Bardane, Athens 2019)
Studies Lewis Γράμματα Ἀρχαία. Studies in memory of David M. Lewis (1928–1994) (ed. A. Makres & P. J. Rhodes, Athens 2024)
Tracy, ADT S. V. Tracy, Athenian Democracy in Transition: Attic Letter-cutters of 340 to 290 B.C. (Hellenistic Culture and Society, 20 (Berkeley, 1995)
Tracy, Athens and Macedon S. V. Tracy, Athens and Macedon. Attic Letter Cutters of 300 to 229 B.C. (Berkeley / Los Angeles, 2003)
Traill, Demos and Trittys J. S. Traill, Demos and Trittys: Epigraphical and Topographical Studies in the Organization of Attica (Totonto, 1986)
Wilson P. R. Wilson, A Corpus of Ephebic Inscriptions from Roman Athens: 31 B.C. - 267 A.D. (Dissertation, Monash University)